13 Aug 2013

Tiger.Watermelon is a site-specific installation including paintings, objects and video art.

Few works of art have the chance to be isolated from a certain context, to which the audience still owes a thorough and complete understanding. Probably that is why thematic exhibitions have become a mandatory subject, both in terms of contemporary art and the museum art. The approach of a contemporary art exhibition is always programmatic, often issued from a general idea that develops into an illustrative installation to justify a certain compliance.

Tiger.Watermelon project, with its neo-Dadaist allure, restores a context using the reason in the absence of specific topic. Artists with different backgrounds bring together their works incidentally, creating an occurrence that reveals a special frame of connections between their personal artistic training.

Tiger.Watermelon also states a strategic humour based on predictability of connections which make the exhibition feel like an easy labyrinth to search through, provided with some traps though. In this way are queried the resorts, the methods and the common areas that are specific for a certain practice in artistic promotion, as well as for communication of art galleries and museums with the public, behind a hidden game.

Bogdan Teodorescu




    Silvia Costin, installation view




   All works (1-6) by Silvia Costin, 2013, oil on canvas

Suzana Dan, Sadness is Looking at Me, 2009, acrylic on canvas, 200 x140 cm

Installation view

Installation view: on the ground Suzana Dan's Killing of the Dragon (2011); on the wall Juande Marfil's Watermelon Tiger (2012)

28 Jul 2013

Hermes Luaces' official page here.

Juan de Dios Marfil Atienza, Watermelon Tiger, 2012,

print copy on round mobile panel (1) and metal scale to measure heavy weight (2) , diam. c. 30 cm

original: digital manipulated photos

Free Cut!, video still

video by Luca Istodor

lenght 5:50'

music by Hermes Luaces

after an idea of Bogdan Teodorescu & Luca Istodor

Installation view

Bogdan Teodorescu, Tipu's Tiger, 2013, oil on panel, c. 15 x18 cm

25 Jul 2013

Bogdan Teodorescu, Golden Drap no. 1, 2013, c. 2 x 1,50 m  

Bogdan Teodorescu, Golden Drap no. 1, 2013, c. 2 x 1,50 m  

Installation view

Bogdan Teodorescu, The Death of Munrow, 2013, oil on panel, c. 15 x 18 cm

Kurt Cobain in Tiger Suit, double photo, 21 x 29,7 cm, Internet source

23 Jul 2013

1. (left) Bogdan Teodorescu, Ocelot Skin, 2013, oil on canvas, 50 x 70 cm
2. (right) Bogdan Teodorescu, Jaguar Skin, 2013, oil on canvas, 50 x 70 cm

Installation view

Installation view with the two paintings hanged on a painted wall (c. 2,50 cm x 3 m, coloured chalkboard on acrylic paint)

28 Jun 2013

1. Bogdan Teodorescu, Tiger Skin, 2013, oil on canvas, detail
2. Installation view